So this is Blogging: the Gift of Starting over
Well, hello there. Welcome. This is not my first blog, but the first one on this new adventure. About a million years ago, I had a website dedicated to my archaeology career where I hosted a blog and podcast. Wanna know the name? It was good, like, really good. The Struggling Archaeologist’s Guide to Getting Dirty. Boom. How I did not become instant History Channel-famous after launching it I’ll never know. I was a graduate student studying Anthropology on the coast of Florida, I was sweaty as fuck, and ready to take on the world. I thought, look here, it’s 2013 and there are like 5 podcasts in the entire world about archaeology, and honestly, they are all boring as hell. I can do better than that. And thus, my blog and podcast were born.
I was passionate about archaeology and history and I had the charisma to make people listen, and surprisingly, they did. I had a couple thousand followers and listeners. I had engagement. I enjoyed what I was doing… and then I stopped. Now it’s 2022 and I’m back, new website, new career, new passion, new everything, it feels like. What happened?
The short answer is I had a baby, I moved, then I got divorced. The things I cared about in 2013 feel like they exist in a different universe now. Anyone relate to that? In many ways, I had to start over, and in doing so I received the GIFT of deciding how I was going to do it. What followed was a journey of self-discovery that led to a pretty awesome transformation, if I’m being honest. Do I have everything figured out yet? Heck no, I’m not some boss-babe genius who started an empire and became a millionaire overnight. I’m a regular gal, a mom, an eternal seeker and life-long learner (it’s my Sagittarius moon), who just wants to live a life that makes me truly happy and at peace in my soul.
Sound like a journey you’re ready to take too? Cool. No matter what kind of life you’re ready to step into, I think I have some advice that can help get you there. If you’re divorced, a mom, a creative, spiritual, multi-passionate, or just someone who has always felt there was more out there for them, I’m guessing my story is going to resonate with you. So, I’m going to be here, writing and doing my thing, every week. We’re going to talk about self-discovery, soul coherence, and the daily practices and tools that can help you transform your life. I have some amazing things planned and I hope you will join me for the ride. See you around, badass 🖤
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